UNSCEAR 64th annual session

UN Scientific Committee Concludes 64th Session

VIENNA, 2 June (UN Information Service) – The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) today concluded its 64th session, with a call for Member States to submit scientific data on radiation exposure of patients and workers to the UNSCEAR platform.

Hans Vanmarcke (Belgium) as Chair highlighted the importance of Member State cooperation in helping collect data, to further enable scientific evaluation of levels and trends of exposures of patients and workers to ionizing radiation. UNSCEAR is currently running two global online surveys on medical and occupational exposure, to foster widespread international participation by mid-2018. These surveys are being conducted in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization.

The session was held at the Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria from 29 May – 2 June.

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