Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award

The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award is established to honour scientists who have distinguished themselves by their contributions in:

  1. Education and training of medical physicists, medical students, medical residents, and allied health personnel; and/or
  2. Advancement of medical physics knowledge based upon independent original research and/or development; and/or
  3. Advancement of the medical physics profession in the IOMP adhering national and international organizations.

Frequency. This Award is given triennially at the IOMP World Congresses

The Harold Johns Medal

The Harold Johns Medal is established to honor scientists who have distinguished themselves through excellence in teaching and contributions to international education.

The John Mallard Award

The John Mallard award will honour a medical physicist who has developed an innovation of high scientific quality and who has successfully applied this innovation in clinical practice (e.g. equipment, software, methodology), or who has led a team developing this innovation. This Award will be given triennially at the IOMP International Conference on Medical Physics.

The Award consists of an IOMP Plaque, presented at the ICMP. A short Biography of the Awardee will be published in the IOMP Newsletter Medical Physics World.

Fellow of IOMP (FIOMP)

The IOMP Awards and Honours Committee (AHC) has proposed that a category of fellowship be established called Fellow of IOMP (FIOMP). This honour aims to recognise significant activities for the international development of medical physics. Fellowship would be awarded to persons who have made outstanding contributions to IOMP and its regional organisations over a significant period of time. Other achievements in medical physics would not be considered as primary reason for this honour. The Fellowship consists of a certificate and a pin and it bestows the right to use the designation FIOMP after their names to the awardees. No financial reward is given but a short article on each new fellow will be published in Medical Physics World.

FIOMP Guidelines – Read More

IDMP Award of the International Organisation for Medical Physics (IOMP)

The IOMP IDMP award recognises excellence in Medical Physics with a particular view of promoting medical physics to a larger audience and highlighting the contributions medical physicists make for patient care. The IDMP Award is linked to the International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) from which it takes its name.

The IDMP Award consists of an IOMP certificate, and additionally a short biography of the awardee will be published in the IOMP Newsletter Medical Physics World.

IUPAP Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics

The IUPAP Young Scientist Award was established and funded by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and awarded by the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) as the IUPAP affiliated International Commission for Medical Physics.

The Award will include a cash prize of 1000 Euro, an IUPAP medal1 and the IOMP certificate. In addition, a short Biography of the Awardee will be published in Medical Physics World.

IUPESM Awards of Merit IFMBE

IUPESM honors individuals with its IUPESM Awards of Merit which recognize every three years a Medical Physicist and a Biomedical Engineer who have established distinguished careers in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, respectively.

IUPESM Awards of Merit IOMP

The IUPESM Award of Merit in Medical Physics  honors a medical physicist and a biomedical engineer who have established distinguished careers in their fields. With great satisfaction, the IOMP Awards Committee acts as the IOMP Sub-committee to the IUPESM Awards Committee and is responsible for the selection of the medical physicist to receive the award.