The International Organisation for Medical Physics (IOMP) represents nearly 30,000 medical physicists worldwide and 90 adhering national member organisations plus 2 affiliate organisations.

The mission of IOMP is to advance medical physics practice worldwide by disseminating scientific and technical information, fostering the educational and professional development of medical physicists, and promoting the highest quality medical services for patients.


1963 (Permanent Address: IOMP, Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, YORK YO24 1ES, UK)


  • 87 countries and 2 affiliate
  • About 27,000 individual members
  • Corporate members
  • 6 Regional organizations


The objectives of the International Organization for Medical Physics are to organize international cooperation in medical physics and allied subjects; to contribute to the advancement of medical physics in all its aspects, especially in developing countries; and to encourage and advise on the formation of national organizations of medical physics in those countries which lack such organizations.


The objectives of the International Organization for Medical Physics are:

  • To organize international cooperation in medical physics and to promote communication between the various branches of medical physics and allied subjects.
  • To contribute to the advancement of medical physics in all its aspects.
  • To advise on the formation of national organizations of medical physics in those countries which lack such organizations, and also the possible formation of national committees in those countries where there is more than one medical physics organization.

For these purposes it shall have the power:

  • To set up bodies for specific purposes which will further the objectives of the organization.
  • To organize and/or sponsor international conferences, regional and other meetings or courses. The time interval between each World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering shall hereinafter in these Statutes and Bylaws be referred to as the period.
  • To collaborate or affiliate with other scientific organizations.
  • To develop any activity deemed helpful to the forwarding of its declared objectives.

The above have been extracted from the Bylaws of the IOMP approved by the Council in September 2009.

Membership Classifications

Members of the IOMP consists of all individual members of the Adhering National Organizations. Two other forms of membership are available, namely, Affiliated Regional Organizations and Corporate Members.

Other information


  • Newsletter: Medical Physics World (biannual)


The following journals are recognised as official publications of IOMP

  • Physics in Medicine and Biology
  • Physiological Measurement
  • Medical Physics
  • Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics
  • Medical Physics International
  • Physica Medica – European Journal of Medical Physics


  • Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Series(Taylor and Francis/ CRC press)

Educational resources

  • Workshops, courses


  • Triennial World Congress on Medical Physics and and Biomedical Engineering (in conjunctione with IFMBE through IUPESM)
  • Triennial International Conference on Medical Physics