6th IRPA-IOMP-WHO-IAEA Regional Workshop on Radiation Safety Culture in Healthcare

The joint Workshop, which is 6th in series of similar workshops was held at Hotel Sheraton San Diego and Marina on 20-21 Feb 2019. It was held in conjunction with midyear meeting of the Health Physics Society.
Dr. Rehani was invited to give keynote lecture on “Radiation Safety Culture: What, why, when and how?”
There were around 50 participants mostly radiation safety officers. In keeping with previous workshops, a representative of patient through Patient for Patient Safety program of WHO was invited. Maria Perez represented WHO, Bernard Le Guan (IRPA) and Debbie Gilley (IAEA). The host coordinator was Steve King from Penn State University. Dr. Rehani also was a panelist in the panel discussion on deliberation of joint document of cooperating organizations that is under preparation and will be published by WHO. Dr. Rehani also made a presentation on IOMP’s role in the session on Stakeholders point of view session and chaired a breakout group. This event filled the gap for the North America as previous events were held in other parts of the world as: Latin America (Buenos Aires), Geneva (Europe), Stellenbosch (South Africa), Qatar (Middle East), Putrajaya (Asia).

More on Radiation Safety Culture in Medicine

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