Since 2013, medical physicists from all over the world have celebrated the “International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP)” on November 7, birthday of Marie Sklodowska-Curie. This is an important annual event at which medical physicists can share experiences, improve their knowledge, discuss professional matters and much more. Considering the importance of this date, IOMP decided that it is also an excellent opportunity to give recognition to medical physicists in each region who have made significant contributions to promoting Medical Physics, including development of scientific work, improvements in patient care and/or contributions to education and training in medical physics.
The IDMP award will be given on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Medical Physics to one Medical Physicist from each IOMP Regional Organization (EFOMP, AFOMP, SEAFOMP, MEFOMP, ALFIM, FAMPO and North America), totaling 7 awards. The recipients of the Award will be announced on the day before IDMP (Nov 6th). The award will include an IOMP certificate, and a short Biography of the Awardee will be published in the IOMP Newsletter Medical Physics World.
IOMP hopes to receive nominations from all regions to be able to sincerely express IOMP’s gratitude to all medical physicists who, despite many difficulties and challenges are doing their best to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
We would like to encourage you all to look at the information and requirements of this award on the IOMP website (
Subject to Council approval.