AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting: Discount Reg for LMIC

Register for the 2021 Virtual AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting (April 17-20, 2021) with a reduced registration rate for individuals residing in developing countries of only $100USD.

Due to continuing health concerns related to the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and resultant travel restrictions, the 2021 AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting will be a fully-virtual meeting. AAPM Member volunteers are working closely with the HQ team on the many specifics of this change – including the use of a fresh online meeting platform – and are confident this virtual experience will provide great Spring Clinical Meeting content, including SAM credits and MPCEC hours and engagement with vendors.

Perhaps you have always wanted to attend the AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting, in 2021 or in years before, but you have been unable given the necessary registration, travel, and lodging costs. Virtual meetings have universal ease-of-access – you can participate from anywhere you have an internet connection. And the TOTAL cost will be $100USD.

Sound good? Take a moment to review the meeting program, and compare it to your own schedule. When doing so, please note: the virtual meeting program will be held in Eastern Time (GMT-4:00).

To register for the AAPM Virtual Spring Clinical Meeting for just $100USD, please go to the website at the bottom of the page, check the list, and fill out the form if eligible. You must submit the form during the registration process. You can then use this direct link to register. If you have any questions send an email to Corbi Foster.

We wish you, your families, and your communities well in these difficult times. Take care, stay healthy – and hopefully, we’ll “see” you ONLINE at the AAPM Virtual Spring Clinical Meeting very soon!

 Your AAPM HQ Team

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