ACPSEM President tweeting from the curated twitter account @realscientists

Category IDMP 2015
Last Date 14 11 2015
Place Australia

Sean Geoghegan, President of ACPSEM will be tweeting from the curated twitter account @realscientists on Medical Physics, and this will include acknowledging IDMP.

International Day of Medical Physics

The Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) celebrated IDMP in 2015 by holding a summer school on dose calculation algorithms from 6th to 8th November 2015 in the capital of New Zealand, Wellington. The event organized by NZ members Nanette Schleich and Bryn Currie, was highly successful in attracting more than 60 participants, many of them medical physics registrars enrolled in ACPSEM’s Training, Education and Assessment Program (TEAP). A particular feature of this year’s summer school was several combined sessions of diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology medical physicists. This allowed for lively discussions and great opportunities for networking.

The summer school was preceded by a public event ‘Café Scientific’ in New Zealand’s National Museum, ‘Te Papa’, where Tomas Kron engaged in discussion with member of the public. The topic of the presentation ‘At your service: physics and technology for cancer treatment’ reflects the theme of this years IDMP.

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