Appointment of a new Editor-in-Chief for an IOMP-supported journal, Radiological Physics and Technology

Dear Colleagues of IOMP member societies,

Besides the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, I would like to deliver some news from Japan.

Radiological Physics and Technology (RPT) is a joint official journal of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology and the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP) and has officially been supported by AFOMP since 2016 and by IOMP since this July. The journal is available in print and online [] and its articles in and after 2019 are voluntarily shared to unlimited readers

The JSMP would like to announce the appointment of the new Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Nobuyuki Kanematsu, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, as a successor to the founding Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Kunio Doi, University of Chicago.

The RPT features a unique editorial policy of being supportive to inexperienced authors, which is equally provided to all medical physics researchers in the world. Also, three best papers published each year will be awarded in the Japan Radiology Congress in Yokohama every April. On behalf of the JSMP as a publisher, I earnestly ask you to consider publication of your original medical physics researches in the RPT.

Shigekazu Fukuda, Ph.D
President, Japan Society of Medical Physics

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