IUPAP Young Scientist Award 2021

The AHC committee of IOMP, would like to acknowledge the high calibre nominations submitted by NMOs for the 2021 IUPAP IUPAP Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics. Unfortunately, there can be only one winner. As such, IOMP is pleased to announce that the IUPAP award winner for 2021 is A/Prof...

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AFOMP monthly webinar recording

AFOMP monthly webinar of September 02  recording is now available on the AFOMP website at: https://afomp.org/2021/09/03/view-afomp-monthly-webinar-sep-02-2021/

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EMP News Autumn 2021 Issue

EFOMP is delighted to announce the publication of the Autumn 2021 issue of its quarterly newsletter, European Medical Physics News! As ever, it includes a wealth of material covering a plethora of medical-physics related topics. This issue contains the first articles of two new regular features, which we hope you...

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FRPT 2021: Late breaking abstract submission

FRPT 2021 1st Flash Radiotherapy and Particle Therapy Conference 1-3 December 2021 | Vienna and Online www.FRPT-Conference.org We are delighted to announce that FRPT 2021 is now accepting late breaking abstracts – until 22 September 2021. If you have exciting new research in the field of FLASH Radiotherapy and Particle...

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Virtual Conference on Radiation Applications in Medicine

Virtual Conference on Radiation Applications in Medicine On the occasion of IDMP and IDoR During 7 – 8 November 2021 Organized by Departments of Radiation Oncology and Radio Diagnosis Christian Medical College and Hospital Ludhiana A Legacy of Healing, Education and Research since 1894 Download Brochure – Virtual Conference 7-8...

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