Obituary: Prof. John Mallard, OBE, FRSE, FREng, FIPEM, FIUPESM (1927-2021)

On 25 February 2021 the international medical physics community lost a very special member – Prof. John Mallard from Aberdeen, UK. Prof. John Mallard played a crucial role in the development of two of the world’s most important medical technologies – Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET)....

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OWSD PhD Fellowships 2021 – Call for Application

Dear Friends of OWSD, OWSD has just opened the Call for Applications four our 2021 OWSD PhD Fellowships, and we would kindly like to ask your help in disseminating this opportunity. The Fellowship is offered to women scientists from Science and Technology Lagging Countries to undertake PhD research in the...

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The main webpage: Home: International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO-3) | IAEA The main programme: cn-288-programme.pdf ( PDF Registration forms for participation: IAEA Online  Registration for Observers: (Virtual event) International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO-3), 16-19 February 2021 Survey ( News links Article on A...

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Jaipur celebrates IMPW 2021

Jaipur celebrates IMPW 2021 Download Poster CRHC-IMPW 2021 The recording of the proceeding is available on the AFOMP website at:

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IOMP Webinar 20: Joint IAEA–IOMP–CIRSE webinar, 23 February 2021, 2 pm CET: What’s new in understanding radiation risks for patients in interventional procedures | IAEA

Joint IAEA–IOMP–CIRSE webinar: What’s new in understanding radiation risks for patients in interventional procedures | IAEA 23 February 2021, 2 pm CET Moderator: Jenia Vassileva (IAEA) Presenters: Madan Rehani (IOMP), Werner Jaschke (CIRSE)

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