New publication from the International Women in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Task Group

A new paper is out published from the IUPESM and IOMP women groups. “Solutions to Gender Balance in STEM Fields Through Support, Training, Education and Mentoring: Report of the International Women in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Task Group”, published in February 2019 in Science and Engineering Ethics. The...

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ICTP Master of Advanced Studies in Medical Physics

The Master of Advanced Studies in Medical Physics (MMP) is a two-year advanced training programme run jointly by ICTP and the University of Trieste. The programme is designed to provide young, promising graduates of physics or related fields (mainly from developing countries) with postgraduate theoretical and clinical training so that...

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ICONRADEM 2019 Report

A report on the International Conference on Radiological Emergency and Management ‘’ICONRADEM 2019” Prof. Arun Chougule Department of Radiological Physics, SMS Medical College and Hospitals, Jaipur An international conference on Radiological Emergency and Management was organized by the Department of Radiological Physics, SMS Medical College and Hospitals, Jaipur during 9-11...

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IUPAP Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics 2019

The IOMP is pleased to announce the IUPAP Young Scientist Award 2019. This award was established and funded by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and awarded by the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) as the IUPAP affiliated International Commission for Medical Physics. Considering that we...

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ICMP 2019

Deadline for ICMP 2019 abstract submission is just around the corner. Submit your abstracts by March 15th, 2019! Deadline for early-bird registration: 19 May, 2019.

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ESMPE Upcoming Editions

The EFOMP school editions are accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics (EBAMP) The quality of educational events in Medical Physics is maintained by using this accreditation system. The ESMPE – Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry, Practical approach – Prague, January 2019 has been accredited by EBAMP as...

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John Mallard Award 2019

The IOMP is pleased to announce the John Mallard Award. The award will honour a medical physicist who has developed an innovation of high scientific quality and who has successfully applied this innovation in clinical practice (e.g. equipment, software, methodology), or who has led a team developing this innovation. This...

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