ECMP 2024: 11-14 September 2024, Munich, Germany

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform that the 5th European Congress of Medical Physics: Joint Conference of the DGMP, ÖGMP & SGSMP  will take place on 11-14  September 2024 in Munich, Germany.

Please find further information below:

Name: 5th European Congress of Medical Physics Joint Conference of the DGMP, ÖGMP & SGSMP
Venue and Date: Science Congress Center Munich

Walther-von-Dyck-Straße 10

85748 Garching (Munich), Germany

11-14 September 2024

Hosting society: European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics

German Society for Medical Physics

Austrian Society for Medical Physics

Swiss Society of Radiation Biology and Medical Physics

Conference Chairs: Yolanda Prezado, Ph. D.

Congress President

Institut Curie

Départment de Recherche Translationelle

26 Rue d’Ulm

75248 Paris, France


Katia Parodi, Ph. D.

Trination Congress President

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich)

Experimental Physics – Medical Physics

Am Coulombwall 1

85748 Garching (München), Germany

Conference Language: The official conference languages are English and German
Area of expertise: Medical physics, radiology, radiation medicine, radiation medicine
Conference Homepage:
Conference Organization: Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH

Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1

07745 Jena, Germany


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