Medical Physics is a very dynamic profession – the last 20 years have changed dramatically most of its areas, introducing new methods and equipment with speed, which requires constant update of one’s knowledge. EMITEL will be innovative e-Learning tool – a large searchable Web database, including multilingual Digital Dictionary of Terms with explanatory articles for each term. The total number of terms in English is expected to be approx. 3200. The Dictionary cross-translates to/from any two languages from its database. Each term will be covered by an explanatory article in English (or hyperlinked to an appropriate article). The length of the articles would depend on the term. Most articles will also include images, diagrams, and tables, as necessary. At a later stage this material is planned to be additionally printed as a paper book. The income from sales will be used for the future updates of the material. During May/June 2007 EMITEL was expanded to include 20 languages in the e-Dictionary and to develop a special Content Management System (CMS) to allow future update the content of the e-Encyclopaedia over Internet.

Encyclopaedia and Multilingual Dictionary