Preamble to IOMP Historical Data: Tables 1 – 27

Here below are the first IOMP historical table made in 2012 by History subcommittee (Chair: Prof. Azam Niroomand-Rad). The tables have been streamlined and updated further in 2018-2019 by the History subcommittee (Chair: Prof. Slavik Tabakov).

Table 1

IOMP Officers

Table 2

IOMP Member Countries

Table 3

List of Officers for International Union on Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (IUPESM)

Table 4

IOMP Affiliated Regional Organizations and Year National Associations/Societies were established

Table 5

List of IOMP Corporate Members

Table 6

List of International Conferences on Medical Physics (ICMP) and World Congresses on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC)

Table 7

List of International Scientific Exchange Programs (ISEP), Co-sponsored by American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)

Table 8

Incomplete List of IOMP Sponsored Meetings (Not including ICMP, WC, ISEP)

Table 9

List of Medical Physics World (MPW) Editors and Editorial Boards

Table 10

Outline of MPW (eMPW) Reports, Announcements and Information

Table 11

List of IOMP Adhering National Organizations as they appear in MPWs and eMPWs

Table 12

List of MPW Advertisements

Table 13

Membership of Awards and Honors Committee (AHC)

Table 14(I)

Incomplete List of IOMP, IUPESM and IUPAP Awards Recipients

Table 15

Membership List of Education and Training Committee (ETC)

Table 16

Membership List of Science Committee (SC)

Table 17

Membership List of Developing Countries Committee (DCC) and Professional Relations Committee (PRC)

Table 18

List of International Library Programs (ILP), Co-Sponsored by AAPM

Table 19

Membership List of Publication Committee (PC)

Table 20

Membership List of Nomination Committee (NC)

Table 21

Membership List of Rules Committee (RC)

Table 22

Membership List of Finance Sub Committee (FSC)

Table 23

Membership List of International Commission on Medical Physics IComMP) Affiliated with International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)

Table 24

Membership List of History Sub Committee (HSC)

Table 25(I)

Incomplete List of Names and Number of Delegates from Adhering National Organizations (Since 2006)

Table 26

List of Corporate Liaison (CL)

Table 27

List of Video Interviews of Prominent Medical Physicists by AAPM History Committee (1977-1979 and 1990-2004) and by IOMP History SubCommittee Since 2009 (Videos)