IDMP 2017 @ Spain

Category IDMP 2017
Last Date
07 11 2017 00:00
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This past November 7th was celebrated the International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) according to IOMP initiative and we celebrated also the 150th birthday of Marie Curie. The theme for IDMP 2017 focussed on women patients and women staff safety in radiation medicine. Also, in a broader context, it was focussed on issues related to medical physicist women given that they represent just an average of 30% in most developed countries (and just a 21% in USA, the country with the largest number of MP professionals in the world).

In Spain, an event was coordinated at national level, with 7 Institutions from different regions involved: Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada-Madrid, Hospital Universitario Araba-Basque Country, C. H. Universitario Insular-Materno Infantil andHospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrín from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria-Canary Islands, Hospital General de Valencia-Valencia, Infante D. Fadrique High School from Quintanar de la Orden-Toledo and Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau-Barcelona.

To celebrate the IDMP an educational open day targeted mainly to High School students was organized. The goal was not only to show our profession to the general public but also to involve and motivate young people to foster vocations in our field, especially among girls.

A common video of Marie Curie focussed on her scientific achievements related to Medical Physics made by ourselves was screened in all Institutions, and then everyone managed her/his own event in several different ways; some medical physicists made a tour with the students in the Radiation Oncology Department, others gave talks focussed on Medical Physics specialty and what we do in hospitals, and others even chose to perform workshops of radioactivity moved to the Schools.

The result was exciting and very satisfying, besides the informative goal of the IDMP was fulfilled. Also, we have learnt that as medical physicists we can get excited in a common project for the society, which go beyond our scientific-care activity and the “borders” of our hospitals.

I just wanted to share this stimulating experience with our scientific community, and to encourage all of them also to participate in the IDMP next year.

Guadalupe Martín Martín. Medical Physicist, University Hospital of Fuenlabrada-Madrid.

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