IDMP 2018 in Bulgaria

IDMP 2018 was celebrated in Bulgaria with several events. The Bulgarian Society of Biomedical Physics and Engineering (BSBPE)  has created a poster that contains information about the role of Medical Physicists and Biomedical Engineers for patient benefit, published on the website of the Society. Two interviews with assoc. prof. Desislava Kostova-Lefterova, treasurer of BSBPE, were given for the biggest daily newspaper in the country, 24 Hours. A reportage on the event celebrated with open doors day in the Oncological Hospital in the town of Vratsa was published in the regional newspaper Vratsa Today.  Interviews with medical physicists from one of the biggest hospital groups in the country, Acibadem City Clinic, were published on the website of the hospital.  Open doors day was organized in the RP inspectorate in the town of Ruse. In Plovdiv a whole session was dedicated to IDMP during the National Conference of Young Radiologists with International Participation. More information can be found on the website of BSBPE at

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