IDMP 2021 Reminder

IDMP 2021 organizers issue the following friendly reminders:


1. Reminder to  all presidents of IOMP regional organizations including AAPM and CCPM to send us a video in English explaining to the public about the role of medical physicists in enhancing the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
2. Reminder all NMO Presidents to send us a video explaining to the public about the role of medical physicists in enhancing the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in their local language.
3. Reminder to encourage all medical physicists around the world to be engaged in local media (TV, Radio, Talk show,…) and explain the role of medical physicists to the public in a comprehensive and simple medical terms.
4. Reminder to Medical Physicists to prepare a brochure about the medical physicists and their role targeted to the general public and translate to many languages.

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