IDMP 2021 Poster

Dear colleagues,
I hope this mail finds you all well,
This year, IOMP’s adopted theme is “Communicating the Role of Medical Physicists to the Public”.  The main aim behind adopting this theme is to educate the public about our role as leaders in the field specifying that Medical Physicists do the following:

1.      Take the lead in optimizing the use of radiation to treat cancer.

2.      Estimate radiation doses from radiological imaging procedures.

3.      Teach doctors, radiological technologists and nurses about the radiations used in imaging and treatment.

4.      Are responsible for radiation safety of patients and staff.

5.      Understand newer imaging and therapy technologies and train others to use them

Please use the IDMP 2021 poster to be widely distributed in your Events and Celebrations among your prospective Medical Physics Societies in your IOMP Regional Organization throughout the World.
Best Regards,
Ibrahim Duhaini

IOMP Treasurer
IDMP Coordinator

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