Invitation to the webinar on 15 Years of the IAEA’s IEC History Mandate and Operations

IAEA’s Incident and Emergency Centre will hold a webinar on “15 Years of the IAEA’s IEC History Mandate and Operations” which will take place on:

11 November 2020 1100 – 1230 UTC// 1200 – 1330 Vienna

Link to Register

11 November 2020 1530 – 1700 UTC//1630-1800 Vienna

Link to Register

18 November 2020 –  0700 – 0830 UTC// 0800 – 0930 Vienna

Link to Register


Do you know how the IAEA assisted Member States in strengthening their EPR arrangements and capabilities in the last century? Why was the IEC established? What is hidden in the IEC’s name? Do you know what these acronyms mean: EPReSC, EPRIMS, IEC, IES, INES, IRMIS, RANET, and USIE?

At this seminar, speakers will describe the history that led to the IEC’s unique mandate to ensure the Agency’s 24/7 response to safety and security-related emergencies, how the IEC fulfils its global response role and, how it supports Member States to better prepare for emergencies; how the IES ensures the Secretariat’s 24/7 emergency preparedness and response, and the lessons learned in this enterprise.

You are welcome to register and participate in this webinar. You are also encouraged to share this information amongst your respective counterparts and colleagues who may be interested in, or benefit from, the topic.

Registration for the webinar can be done following the links above or the hyperlink. After the registration, participants will receive an email containing information on how to access the webinar by simply following a hyperlink to join the WebEx meeting or calling in by phone.

Thank you in advance for your interest in this webinar and for sharing this information. We look forward to having an interesting and useful webinar.

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