Vol.1, No. 3, August 2019
IOMP President's Message
What interests our audience? Adapting contents to suit the audience.
Real-time Adaptive Particle Therapy: Futuristic Automated Way to Collaborate Internationally

Paradigm shift from a currently manual step-wise treatment approach towards a future automated seamless workflow, integrating imaging, treatment planning, quality assurance and treatment verification

IOMP Accredits Medical Physics postgraduate courses in S. Korea

Three postgraduate medical physics courses in S. Korea received IOMP accreditation.

Know about the Medical Physics Education in Ghana
Ghana has been having a MSc medical physics program since 2004 and so far 91 graduates have qualified.
IOMP to make free distribution of medical physics books published by CRC Press
Expression of interest from Program Directors invited.
FREE download of IAEA publication: Introduction of Image Guided Radiotherapy into Clinical Practice
New IOMP Secretary General
Eva Bezak takes over as new Secretary-General, IOMP.
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