IOMP Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 4, October 2019

Vol.1, No. 4, October 2019
IOMP President's Message
Are we interacting sufficiently with our stakeholders?
Are we likely to have automated radiotherapy treatment planning?

Automated treatment planning is on the way.

Medical Physics Teaching to Medical Students

IOMP and Hamad Medical Corporation Qatar to organize training for students at Weill Cornell Medical College, Doha Qatar.

AOCR Meets IOMP on 23-26 July 2020 at Kuala Lumpur
In line with IOMP’s approach to enhance interaction with stakeholders.
ICMP2019 Program Planning Committee Co-Chairs’ Message
A brief report about ICMP2019, Santiago, Chile, 8-11 Sep 2019.
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