Iran celebrates IDMP 2018

Head of Iranian Association of Medical Physics message

In my opinion, the greatest attraction of medical physics is the fact that it has a substantial contribution to activities that benefit patients. It is indeed a major distinction of medical physics that it combines being a physical science with major theoretical and technical aspects, with having tangible and proven applications that positively affect most patients’ diagnosis and/or treatment. For decades, medical physicists, solely or in collaboration with engineering and medical colleagues, have developed theories, models, algorithms, equipment, software, protocols, procedures, etc. that have led to advancements in medical imaging and other diagnostic tools as well as various therapeutic methods. Thus, it is no surprise that the IOMP has chosen “Medical physics for patient benefit” as the key message for this International Day of Medical Physics.
I, therefore, would like to emphasize that the medical physics community through all its different constituents (clinical scientists, researchers, educators, administrators, trainers, trainees, students, etc.), should bear this important aspect of their field in mind and try hard to carry out their roles, duties and responsibilities to the best of their ability. We should always remember that our work should and will (directly or indirectly) influence patients’ health. This is both a huge responsibility and a great pleasure and incentive for medical physicists. It is also the ultimate key to achieving the standing and recognition that medical physicists deserve.
In celebration of the International Day of Medical Physics 2018, personally and on behalf of my colleagues in the Iranian Association of Medical Physics, the Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Research Center and the Physics Unit of the Radio-Oncology Department, I would like to send my best regards and wishes to all the medical physics colleagues, students and administration staff working or studying at the various academic and clinical departments and research centers in Shiraz and the rest of the country.

Mohammad Amin Mosleh-Shirazi

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