Kuwait celebrates IDMP 2020

International Day of Medical Physics, 2020
7th November 2020, (KAMP-2020)

Kuwait Association of medical physics was celebrated this year for the international day of medical physics is special, we met with Health professionals (Academic Professor, Medical doctors, Technologists)

to describe and importance the role of the medical physicist at the hospitals in different sections.

We also recorded a video about this celebration you will find the video in the link below:


The Activities of Medical Physicist from June to November 2020


No Activity  & Duties
1. Virtual Radiation Safety Refresher Course , 21nd October 2020
2. Dosimetry for Lu-177 patients (DOTA TATE & PSMA)


3. Quarterly Radiation Safety Report
4. EARL For two PET-CT  Renew  (November 2020)
5. Quarterly performance test  for  SPECT-CT
6. Quarterly performance test  for  PET-CT
7. Dealing with Conformed  COVID 19  iodine patients
8. Central Radioactive store rearrangement


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