May Newsletter – WHA73 Summary and Healthy Recovery Manifesto Launch

73rd World Health Assembly NCD Summary
The 73rd World Health Assembly (WHA) delegates adopted a landmark resolution to bring the world together to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The first virtual format of the WHA, endorsed a cals for the intensification of efforts to control the pandemic, and for equitable access to and fair distribution of all essential health technologies and products to combat the virus.

Within this resolution adopted included specific reference to “uninterrupted and safe provision of population and individual level services, for, among others… noncommunicable diseases” and “provide assistance to countries…for an effective public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic…uninterrupted and safe provision of population and individual level services, for…noncommunicable diseases.” For more information, please see the WHA73 website here.

WHO Manifesto for a healthy recovery from COVID-19
On 26 May 2020, WHO launched a new manifesto for a healthy recovery from COVID-19. Focusing on the ‘build back better’ mentality, decisions made in the coming months can either “lock in” economic development patterns that will do permanent and escalating damage to the ecological systems that sustain all human health and livelihoods, or, if wisely taken, can promote a healthier, fairer, and greener world.

The manifesto focuses on six key pillars:

Protect and preserve the source of human health: Nature.
Invest in essential services, from water and sanitation to clean energy in healthcare facilities.
Ensure a quick healthy energy transition.
Promote healthy, sustainable food systems.
Build healthy, liveable cities.
Stop using taxpayers money to fund pollution.

You can read the full manifesto here.

NCD Campaigns Mapping for the WHO Independent High-Level Commission on NCDs

Responding to recommendation 2 of the WHO Independent High-level Commission on NCDs (HLC/NCD) final report, we are mapping the best practices in communication campaigns and strategies, with a particular focus on NCD risk factors and mental health conditions, targeting children and adolescents. We would like to invite you to spend 15 minutes of your time to complete a simple survey for us to collect relevant information on communication campaigns, strategies and frameworks developed in your area of work. Your contribution will inform the development of a WHO NCD communication campaign toolkit.

You can find a link to the survey here. The deadline for submissions is June 8, 2020.

World No Tobacco Day 2020

On 31 May, World No Tobacco Day will focus on the topic of exposing tobacco industry tactics that target youth #TobaccoExposed and to #Speakout on the risk of using tobacco in the context of COVID. Later today, we will have a press conference to launch our school toolkit and host two live streaming events with our experts and inspirational youth that have won World No Tobacco Day Awards. These events will be streamed across WHO social media accounts and reach billions of young people through extraordinary partnerships with all of you and our corporate partners including TikTok, FIFA, H&M, Tinder and more. Our dance challenge and quiz will be highlighted on TikTok. You can also support by accessing the campaign toolkit.

NCD News Flash from WHO NCD Department

Dr Bente Mikkelsen, Director (NCDs) Division for UHC/Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases, has launched a weekly newsletter summarising NCD action. You can find the latest version of the newsletter linked and colleagues and partners are welcome to subscribe here.

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