Mexico celebrates IDMP 2021

In Mexico we had the following activities regarding the International Day of Medical Physics:

A video with the theme of “Communicating the role of medical physicists to the public” was performed in Spanish. The video was directed and edited by M. Sc. Orlando Soberanis and M. Sc. Suemi González. In this video several medical physicists working at hospitals in different places of Mexico explain their work. This video was sent to the members of the Medical Physics Division of the Mexican Physics Society, to members of the Mexican Society of Medical Physicist and to IOMP and it was uploaded in its web page.
An online conference took place on November 8th, 18:30, local time, with title in Spanish:
“Función del físico médico en la actualización del Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad de OAXACA (HRAEO)”
Imparted by M.Sc. Flavio Ernesto Trujillo Zamudio

M.Sc. Flavio Ernesto Trujillo Zamudio

In addition, the following information and announcements in connection with the IDMP were sent to the members of the Medical Physics Division of the Mexican Physics Society:

The IOMP poster for the IDMP.

The IOMP webinar at 12 noon GMT on 7th Nov with 3 invited communication professionals who have expertise in communicating scientific information to the public.

The European page abut IDMP celebrations:

The free event organized by the “German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)”:

Virtual International Day of Medical Physics 2021 in Heidelberg, Sunday, November 7th 2021 from 1 – 2.30pm (CET) with national and international colleagues and hosted online via Zoom. Participantion is free of charge and everyone who is interested can register. This Live-Online-Event is supplemented by short videos where members of DKFZ give an insight into their daily tasks and challenges on a commonly understandable level.

The Scientific workday of the international Day of Medical Physics at Cuba (Jornada Científica del Dia Internacional de Física Médica) held at Cuba and organized by WIN (nuclear women in Cuba). 7th November, 10 am, local time

The video sent by Sandra Guzmán, ALFIM president in celebration of the International Day of medical Physics:

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