Nepal celebrates IDMP 2020

IDMP Program by Nepalese Association of Medical Physicist (NAMP)

This year International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) celebrations were very special due to COVID19 pandemic situation worldwide, which has changed the conventional method of almost doing anything & everything. This has a huge impact on education system as well as organizing conferences/seminars. Therefore, this year Nepalese Association of Medical Physicist (NAMP) has used virtual platforms to celebrate IDMP program in Nepal. The program was scheduled on 7th November 2020 at 9:00 am Nepal standard time. The theme for this year’s IDMP is “Medical physicist as a health Professional” is very relevant and useful as we are still struggling to get recognized as a health professional in Nepal.

The zoom link was created and send through the email to the concerned officials and participants. Around sixty participants were attended the virtual program. Dr. Dipendra Raman Singh, Director General Department of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Population attended the program as a chief guest. Other two invited guests were Mr. Rajendra Khanal, Division Chief, Nuclear Materials Management Division, Ministry of Education Science & Technology and Mr. Surendra Subedi, Joint Secretary & NLO to IAEA, Ministry of Education Science & Technology. The program started with an introduction of all medical physicists working in Nepal followed by highlight of IDMP day celebration by Mr. Surendra Bahadur Chand, Sr. Medical Physicists and from B.P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur. Dr. Kanchan P. Adhikari, Associate Professor Medical Physics from National Academy of Medical Sciences, Bir Hospital, highlighted the roles and responsibilities as well as issues and challenges of Medical Physicists in Nepal. Later, Mr. Ram Narayan Yadav talked on Roles and Responsibilities of Medical Physicists in Radiation Therapy.

After two presentation NAMP has invited three clinicians that includes Radiologist, Radiation Oncologist and Nuclear Medicine Physician to wish on IDMP day theme.

Similarly, Chief guest Dr. Dipendra Raman Singh and other guests Mr. Rajendra Khanal, and Mr. Surendra Subedi greet medical physicists on the occasion of International Day of Medical Physics. In presence of high level policy makers, very informative and interactive program was organized regarding the status of medical physics and various challenges medical physicists are facing for better recognition as subject and profession. One of the main reason, about organizing this program in the presence of high level officials is to bring medical physicist’s roles and responsibilities as well as issues and challenges to their information. Other participating medical physicists were also highlighted the importance of medical physicist leadership in overall development of profession. All the eminent speakers and participants wish each other with happy note and committed in wake of better visibility and recognition of medical physics as a profession in Nepal.

Welcome speech was given by Mr. P.P Chaurasia, President NAMP and Vote of Thanks was delivered by Mr. Shanthaa Lall Shrestha, Vice President NAMP. The program was hosted by Mr. Suresh Poudel and co-host by Mr. Kanchan Sarga Nyaichyai.


Report prepared by,

Dr. Kanchan P. Adhikari

Secretary General


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