Experience sharing by a Ukrainian medical physicist

Olga Nosyk nosyk_olga@ukr.net I am Nosyk Olga, a medical physicist. I work in Central laboratory of radiation safety and medical exposure dosimetry at the Grigorev Institute for Medical Radiology and Oncology, Kharkov, Ukraine.   Now I am working remotely. The situation in Ukraine because of war made me leave Ukraine with...

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IOMP Medical Physics Workforce Survey 2022

Dear Colleague, Re: IOMP Medical Physics Workforce Survey 2022 We invite the National Member Organization (NMO) officers or other responsible representatives to participate in a survey that aims to collect information for the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) about the current numbers of medical physicists in your country as...

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IMPW 2022 by BMPS

BMPS is organizing the Webinar programs on the occasion of International Medical Physics Week (IMPW) from 09 May to 13 May 2022. Registration Form:  https://forms.gle/f7U7pWEDimrf3Kbf9

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