Graduate Educational Programs resource updated

Education Programs of all IOMP RO have been updated. Please check the info under the Graduate Educational Programs tab of the Education & Training resources page: If any addition/deletion or edits please contact Prof Arun Chougule, Chair ETC, IOMP []

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AFOMP IMPW 2021 Virtual Webinar April 28th 2020, 7– 9 AM (GMT)

AFOMP IMPW 2021 Virtual Webinar April 28th 2020, 7– 9 AM (GMT) To Register in advance for this meeting: For a second consecutive year IOMP celebrates the International Medical Physics Week by series of webinars dedicated to various professional, educational and organizational aspects of Medical Physics. AFOMP has decided...

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IUPAP Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics 2021

The IOMP is pleased to announce the IUPAP Young Scientist Award 2021. This award was established and funded by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and is awarded by the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) as the IUPAP affiliated International Commission for Medical Physics. The Award...

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