Italy celebrates IMPW 2020

The International Medical Physics Week the Italian Society of Medical Physics (AIFM) organizes a virtual Edition of the “Superheroes and Radiations“ Exhibition! Join us @

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WHO Medical Devices May 2020, Newsletter 1. Priority medical devices for COVID management 2. Emergency supply catalogue 3. Recently launched the COVID-19 essential Supplies forecasting tool ( 1st May 2020) 4. For personal protective Equipment: 5. For in vitro diagnostics 6. Clinical Management of patients 7. For SARI treatment centers...

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IOMP free webinars

*|MC:SUBJECT|* *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Dear Colleagues, IOMP invites you to attend a series of free webinars organized by the ‘IOMP School’ on the occasion of the International Medical Physics Week (IMPW)    Dates: May 11 – May 15, 2020 Time: 14:00-15:00 Central European Summer Time (CEST)   Program Date: Monday, May...

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IAEA WEBINAR COVID-19 Pandemic: Supply of Medical Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals

The IAEA, in collaboration with International Organizations, is committed to supporting facilities for radioisotope and radiopharmaceutical production during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Join us on the webinar “COVID-19 Pandemic: Supply of Medical Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals” on Thursday, April 23 2020, 14.00 – 15.30 CET (Vienna time). The webinar will have the...

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