Nottingham University Hospitals – IDMP 2016 Poster

Category IDMP 2016 Date 07 11 2016 00:00 Attachment Download Here in Nottingham, like many medical physics departments, we are an > international and diverse group, so I’ve worked with colleagues to compile a poster Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering – makes sense in any language”, showing the languages of...

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Category IDMP 2016 Last Date 07 11 2016 00:00 Attachment Download INVITATION TO INTERNATIONAL DAY OF MEDICAL PHYSICS (IDMP) 2016 Ghana Society for Medical Physics (GSMP) presents its compliments and has the honour to invite you to the celebration of International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) 2016.

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International Day of Medical Physics 2015 in Ghana

Category IDMP 2015 Last Date 06 11 2015 Place Ghana Date: Friday, 6th November 2015 Venue: SNAS Conference Room, Atomic Campus, University of Ghana. Time: 9.30 am Speakers: Dr. Joel Yarney (Radiation Oncologist), Ms. Clotilda Muronda (Radiation Oncology Nurse), Dr. Joseph Amoako (Radiation Protection Expert), Mr. Eric Addison (Medical Physicist)...

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IDMP 2015 – Colombia

Category IDMP 2015 Last Date 06 11 2015 Place Colombia The Universidad Nacional de Colombia and the Colombian Association of Medical Physics are glad of sharing with all of you the activity that took place on commemoration of the IDMP 2015. It was an academic meeting with talks about the...

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