IDMP 2015 – Oman

Category IDMP 2015 Last Date 07 11 2015 Place Oman Attachment Download 3rd IDMP International Day of Medical Physics 2015 An Exhibition to highlight Medical Physics Activities in the Royal Hosital, Sultan Qaboos University, and Radiation Protection Services Department in Ministry of Health. The medical physicists from these institutions arranged...

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IDMP 2015 – Iran

Category IDMP 2015 Last Date 12 11 2015 Place Iran On November 12, 2015, three grand ceremonies were held for “Medical Physics Day” and “Marie Sklodowska-Curie birth day” at three different places including Tehran, Iran and Shiraz Universities of Medical Sciences. Enclosed you can find a typical photo at Tehran...

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IDMP 2015 – Iraq

Category IDMP 2015 Last Date 07 11 2015 Place Iraq On behalf of the Iraqi Medical Physics Society (IMPS) members, I would like to congratulate all the IOMP members in the occasion of the IDMP, I wish to all the colleagues more progress and more achievements in the field. I...

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IDMP 2015 – Lebanon

Category IDMP 2015 Last Date 10 11 2015 Place Lebanon IDMP 2015 – Lebanon Attachment Download Radiotherapy Department & Radiology Department Invites You to Celebrate “The International Day of Medical Physics” & “The International Day of Radiology” Date: Tuesday November 10, 2015 Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Place: Conference...

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International Day of Medical Physics 2015 in Bulgaria

Category IDMP 2015 Last Date 06 11 2015 Place Bulgaria IDMP 2015 A scientiffic conference dedicated to the International Day of Medical Physics Venue: Plovdiv, Bulgaria Date: 06.Nov.2015 Organizers: Medical University – Plovdiv, Plovdiv University, Technical University – Plovdiv, Union of Scientists, Bulgarian Society of Biomedical Physics and Engineering

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International Day of Medical Physics 2015 in Romania

Category IDMP 2015 Last Date 08 11 2015 Place Romania Attachment Download November 7th – 8th, 2015 “13th Romanian Conference of Medical Physics” Cluj Napoca, Romania “13th Romanian Conference of Medical Physics” (has incorporated the CFMR Annual General Meeting), dedicating the November 7th in memory of Mariei Salomea Skłodowska-Curie and...

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IDMP 2015 – Italy

Category IDMP 2015 Last Date 06 11 2015 Place Italy The Italian Association of Medical Physics (AIFM) celebrated the 3rd International Day of Medical Physics with a discussion panel on the correct information about risks and benefits in the use of radiation in children at the Ministry of Health in...

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