Report of IMPW 2021 on Patient Radiation Protection, Hosted by AFOMP

Report of IMPW 2021 on Patient Radiation Protection

Hosted by AFOMP

Prof. Anupama Azhari, Prof. Arun Chougule

International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) has started to celebrate a week devoted to the contributions of medical physicists to healthcare as International Medical Physics Week (IMPW) from 2020. This year to celebrate the IMPW, the IOMP School organized a series of webinars during April 26-30 2021. The purpose of these webinars was popularizing the medical physics profession among professional colleagues in the clinical and non-clinical field and also among the public. These activities also intend to promoting awareness of medical physics among physics colleagues and to let them know how their students can find a career in medical physics. On April 28, 2021 (Day-3), Asia Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP) organized and hosted two hour long webinar on ‘Patient Radiation Protection’ on the occasion of IMPW 2021.

Download the full Report of IMPW 2021 on Patient Radiation Protection, Hosted by AFOMP

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