The Bulgarian Society of Biomedical Physics and Engineering (BSBPE) Scientific Meeting

Category IDMP 2014
Last Date
07 11 2014
Place Medical University Sofia – Medical University – Sofia, булевард „Академик Иван Евстратиев Гешов“ 15, 1431 Sofia, Bulgaria

The Bulgarian Society of Biomedical Physics and Engineering (BSBPE) is pleased to inform you that the IDMP will be celebrated in Bulgaria for a second consecutive year.

On the 7th of November 2014 BSBPE is organizing a scientific meeting in the Medical University – Sofia with the intention to present new methods in Medical Imaging, including Nanotechnologies in Imaging, Tomosynthesis, Hybrid Imaging, Photodynamic Medicine.

The meeting is open for physicists, physicians, students in medicine and physics, and everyone else interested.

There will be parallel meetings with similar topics in other cities in the country where medical physicists work.

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