Update to Newsletter Vol 4, number 2
Update to IOMP Newsletter of  April 2022 on European Core Curricula for Medical Physics.
In 2011 EFOMP together with ESR, EANM and ESTRO published European Core Curricula (CC) for Medical Physicists working in Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy. Recent advances in these fields, such as automation, big data analysis, and personalized practices support the need for a further revision. Such revision is not only necessary to keep up with the rapid evolving fields and reinforce the scientific role of Medical Physicists but also be in line with the new European Commission (EC) guidelines on Medical Physics Experts (MPE).
In 2019 EFOMP and ESTRO Physics committee established a Working Group of 27 persons responsible for the revision of the Radiotherapy CC. This group included representatives of 17 European Medical Physics National Member Organisations (NΜΟs), of the ESTRO and Young ESTRO physics committees and of the EFOMP Professional Matters, Education & Training, Science and European Matters committees. The CC was finalized in September 2021 and can be read here. 
Core Curricula

Core Curriculum for Medical Physics Experts in Radiotherapy

The 3rd ESTRO-EFOMP Core Curriculum for Medical Physics Experts in Radiotherapy

Towards an updated ESTRO-EFOMP core curriculum for education and training of medical physics experts in radiotherapy – A survey of current education and training practice in Europe

EFOMP will revise soon the other two CC for Medical Physics Experts working in Nuclear Medicine and Radiology together with EANM and ESR. The kick off meeting for the revision of the EFOMP-EANM CC will be in April 2022.
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