Accreditation of 3 Medical Physics postgraduate courses in S. Korea

An important recent accreditation activity was the accreditation of 3 medical physics courses in South Korea organized by the Catholic University, the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and the Yonsei University. The IOMP assessment team (Prof. J. Damilakis, Dr V. Tsapaki, Prof. A. Chougule) visited the 3...

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WHO medical devices newsletter, July 2019

WHO Medical Devices Newsletter, July 2019                            2nd WHO Model List of Essential in vitro diagnostic (EDL), was launched today in the United Nations press conference. Today , 9th July WHO launched  the 2nd WHO Model List of Essential in vitro diagnostic along with the 21st Essential...

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New IOMP Medical Physics World

IOMP Medical Physics World, Vol. 35, No. 1, June 2019 Editorial President’s Report IOMP Strategic Plan International Medical Physics Week Non-ionizing medical radiation protection and safety From the desk of the IOMP Secretary General The IOMP Project “History of Medical Physics” Treasurer’s Report IDMP 2019 Message Report of Science...

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CBFM 2019

XXIV Brazilian Congress of Medical Physics 2019 21-24 August 2019 Santos, Brazil The XXVI Brazilian Congress of Medical Physics will take place in Santos, in August 2019. There will be special activities to review the 50 years of ABFM’s history by the participants themselves, so that the new generation...

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To increase and make visible activities of IDMP in AFOMP region a dropdown menu has been created recently on AFOMP website for IDMP2019, where all activities from AFOMP NMOs will be added.

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