IAEA Competition

New Competition: Towards a Strong Radiation Safety Culture in Medicine Radiation medical professionals and students can submit proposals to be included in an IAEA training program demonstrating a strong radiation safety culture in healthcare. The deadline for submissions is 30 April, and the top three participants will receive a travel...

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Optimisation in X-ray and Molecular Imaging 2020

First Announcement Gothenburg, Sweden 20-22 April 2020 Welcome to Gothenburg! The planning of Optimisation in X-ray and Molecular Imaging 2020 is in progress. The conference will cover a wide area of research related to optimisation of medical imaging and is intended for a broad audience of medical physicists, radiologists, nuclear...

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A report on “Celebration of International Day of Women and Girls in Science”

Since 1968, Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT) has been working on Empowering Women in Science through Education, Employment and Recognition. RASIT’s work focused on sustainable development programs in education,science, economy, environment and gender equality as well as the support of the marginalized and most vulnerable. Through its scholarship...

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January 2019 AFOMP newsletter

January 2019 AFOMP newsletter – click here to download From the desk of editor Dear Readers “Greeting from the editorial board” I am happy to bring AFOMP Newsletter, let me wish you, your family and friends a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2019. I was assigned the job...

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Ghana-Norway Summer School. Call for Application !!!

The Ghana-Norway Summer School scheduled to be held 24 – 28 June 2019 in Kumasi, Ghana. Please visit https://sus.gsmpghana.org for details. The Ghana-Norway Summer School (GNSS) in Medical Physics and Radiography is one of the major activities under the Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation (NORPART) Project. GNSS is...

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ICMP 2019 submission deadline extended

We are pleased to notify you that the abstract deadline for ICMP 2019 has been extended to March 31! Please visit http://www.icmp2019.org/ for details on abstract submission and registration.

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