Medical Physics for World Benefit Virtual Mentoring Survey

Medical Physics for World Benefit is performing an international survey to investigate whether the Medical Physics community considers virtual mentoring to be of benefit to the community, especially for under-resourced contexts? Questions regarding challenges and successes in the virtual mentoring process will be addressed as a way of optimizing the...

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IDMP 2021 Reminder

IDMP 2021 organizers issue the following friendly reminders:   1. Reminder to  all presidents of IOMP regional organizations including AAPM and CCPM to send us a video in English explaining to the public about the role of medical physicists in enhancing the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. 2. Reminder all...

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Physica Medica Focus Issue: New Developments in MRI: System Characterization, Technical Advances and Radiotherapy Applications

The latest Physica Medica Focus Issue is “New Developments in MRI: System Characterization, Technical Advances and Radiotherapy Applications”. This FI will be of great interest for all Medical Physicists but particularly those working in MRI and in Radiotherapy. It contains articles from leading groups invited by the Guest Editors (L. N. Mazzoni, M. Bock,...

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IUPESM Award in Medical Physics 2022

The IOMP is pleased to announce the IUPESM Award of Merit in Medical Physics 2022. IUPESM honours with its Awards of Merit a medical physicist and a biomedical engineer who have established distinguished careers in their field. The IOMP Awards and Honours Committee is delighted to act as the IOMP...

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Harold Johns Medal 2022

The IOMP is pleased to announce the Harold Johns Medal for 2022. This award is established in honour of Harold E. Johns (1915 – 1998), an eminent medical physicist. It recognises scientists who have distinguished themselves by their contributions through excellence in teaching and contributions to international education. The Harold...

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Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award 2022

The IOMP is pleased to announce the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award. This award is established to honour scientists who have distinguished themselves by their contributions to the education and training of medical physicists, medical students, medical residents, and allied health personnel, advancement of medical physics knowledge and advancement of the medical...

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IUPAP Young Scientist Award 2021

The AHC committee of IOMP, would like to acknowledge the high calibre nominations submitted by NMOs for the 2021 IUPAP IUPAP Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics. Unfortunately, there can be only one winner. As such, IOMP is pleased to announce that the IUPAP award winner for 2021 is A/Prof...

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