Celebration by MEFOMP for the IDMP2020

Middle East Federation of Organization of Medical Physics (MEFOMP) ExCOM organized the 1st webinar for the celebration of International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) under the title of “Medical Physicists as Health Professional” which is the theme of International Organization of Medical Physics (IOMP) for International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP)...

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Qatar celebrates IDMP 2020

The Qatar Medical Physics Society (QaMPS) has been annually celebrating the International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) in parallel with International Organization of Medical Physics (IOMP) celebration every 07th of November. For this year, the celebration was sponsored by Hamad Medical Corporation and the event took place at one of...

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AFOMP IDMP 2020 CELEBRATIONS- 7th November 2020

This year International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) celebrations were very special due to COVID19 pandemic situation worldwide, which has changed the conventional method of almost doing anything & everything. This has a huge impact on education system as well as organizing conferences/seminars. Today technology is playing a very crucial...

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Virtual Symposia to celebrate the International Day of Medical Physics and the 125th anniversary of the discovery of X-rays

The Department of Radiological Physics, SMS Medical College & Hospitals Jaipur, India celebrated the International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) 2020 on the theme, “Medical Physicist as Health Professional” by organizing a virtual symposium to commemorate the birthday of great physicists and Nobel laureates Madame Marie Curie and Bharat Ratna...

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IDMP 2020 Awardees

AFOMP      Tae Suk-Suh ALFIM      Carlos E. Almeida EFOMP      Oliver Blanck FAMPO      Christoph Trauernicht MEFOMP      Mohammad Hassan Kharita SEAFOMP      Djarwani S. Soejoko AAPM      Robert Jeraj

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The IEEE EMBS Grand Challenges Forum COVID19

Introduction We have been faced with an unprecedented challenge in combating the COVID-19/SARS-CoV2 outbreak that is threatening the fabric of our civilization, causing catastrophic human losses and a tremendous economic burden on the United States and nearly every country around the world. During this difficult time, there has been an...

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Invitation to the webinar on 15 Years of the IAEA’s IEC History Mandate and Operations

IAEA’s Incident and Emergency Centre will hold a webinar on “15 Years of the IAEA’s IEC History Mandate and Operations” which will take place on: 11 November 2020 1100 – 1230 UTC// 1200 – 1330 Vienna Link to Register https://iaea.webex.com/iaea/onstage/g.php?MTID=eb94d542ffe8b20d6cc000e3136b972b3 11 November 2020 1530 – 1700 UTC//1630-1800 Vienna Link to...

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