Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Risk Assessment in Advanced Radiotherapy Techniques

The workshop aims to enhance knowledge on performing retrospective and prospective risk analysis and managing unintended and accidental patient exposure in advanced radiotherapy techniques, thus contributing to strengthening patient safety while delivering high quality radiotherapy services. It is estimated that 50-60% of patients with cancer would benefit from radiotherapy. Expanding...

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COMP Events

Past 6 months: July 12 – 16 2020: AAPM/COMP Virtual Scientific Meeting July 16, 2020 COMP Annual General Meeting and Award Ceremony   Upcoming Events: February 1 – 4, 2021– COMP Winter School

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COMP-OCMP International Day of Medical Physics 2020

This year the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) celebrated the International Day of Medical Physics’ theme “Medical Physicist as a Health Professional” through a photo submission contest. Medical Physicists across the globe sent in photos with captions showing medical physicists performing clinical duties. Congratulations to this year’s contest winner Varun...

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Algeria celebrates IDMP 2020

Second Day of Medical Physics The event was held at the university of El-Oued, Algeria, November 7, 2020. “This event has been organized via the Google Meet app” IDMP Celebration report 2020 (El-Oued University , Algeria)

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Nepal celebrates IDMP 2020

IDMP Program by Nepalese Association of Medical Physicist (NAMP) This year International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) celebrations were very special due to COVID19 pandemic situation worldwide, which has changed the conventional method of almost doing anything & everything. This has a huge impact on education system as well as...

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IDMP 2020 in Melbourne

IDMP Down Under in Melbourne IDMP is a big event and a group of medical physicists in Melbourne decided to spell it ‘big’. What better way to do this than ‘strava art’? Strava is an app that records activities on a mobile phone. The group decided to take a bicycle...

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Kuwait celebrates IDMP 2020

International Day of Medical Physics, 2020 7th November 2020, (KAMP-2020) Kuwait Association of medical physics was celebrated this year for the international day of medical physics is special, we met with Health professionals (Academic Professor, Medical doctors, Technologists) to describe and importance the role of the medical physicist at the...

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