1. Simone Kodlulovich Renha, Brazil – Chair
  2. Cecilia Haddad, Brazil
  3. Freddy Haryanto, Indonesia
  4. Huda AlNaemi, Qatar
  5. Jacob Van Dyk, Canada
  6. Nathaly Barbosa, Colombia
  7. Sotiris Economides, Greece
  8. Stephanie Parker, USA
  9. Tomas Kron, Australia
  10. Vijitha Ramanathan, Sri Lanka

International Library Program Subcommittee 2022-2025

  1. E I Parsai, USA
  2. Alexandre Bacelar, Brazil
  3. Taofeeq Abdallah Ige, Nigeria

Equipment Donation Program-Subcommittee 2022-2025

  1. Jacob Van Dyk, Canada
  2. Michelle Wells, USA
  3. Stephanie Parker, USA
  4. Weigang Hu, China
  5. Taofeeq Abdallah Ige, Nigeria


  1. Yakov Pipman, USA/North America – Chair
  2. George F. Acquah, Ghana/Africa
  3. Whitney Coulor, Surinam/ Central America/ Caribbean
  4. Shigekazu FUKUDA, Japan/ Asia
  5. Rabih Hammoud, Lebanon – M East
  6. Xiance Jin, P R China/Asia
  7. Dimitris Mihailides, USA/North America
  8. Howell Round, New Zealand/SE Asia
  9. Dario Sanz, Argentina/ South America

International Library Program Subcommittee 2018-2021

  1. Allan Wilkinson, USA
  2. Derek M. Liu, Canada
  3. Xiance Jin, P R China
  4. Charles Shang, USA
  5. Raymond K Wu, USA

Equipment Donation Program-Subcommittee 2018-2021

  1. Derek Brown, USA – Chair
  2. Laurence E. Court, USA
  3. Alana Hudson, Canada
  4. Dustin Jacqmin, USA
  5. Stephen Kry, USA
  6. Stephanie Lampe, USA
  7. Aaron Odom, USA
  8. Stephanie Parker, USA
  9. Yakov Pipman, USA
  10. Jacob Van Dyk, Canada


  1. Yakov Pipman, USA/North America – Chair
  2. Arun Chougule, India/South Asia
  3. Dario Sanz, Argentina/Latin America
  4. Ibrahim Duhaini, Lebanon – Middle East
  5. Howell Round, New Zealand/Oceania
  6. Dimitris Mihailides, USA/North America
  7. George Kagadis, Greece/Europe
  8. William Rae, South Africa/Africa
  9. Charles Shang, USA/North America
  10. Agnette Peralta, Philipines/South East Asia
  11. George Felix Acquah, Ghana/West Africa

International Library Program 2015-2018 TBD

Equipment Donation Program 2015-2018

  1. Derek Brown, USA – Chair
  2. Laurence E. Court, USA
  3. Alana Hudson, Canada
  4. Stephen Kry, USA
  5. Stephanie Lampe, USA
  6. Aaron Odom, USA
  7. Yakov Pipman, USA
  8. Jacob (Jake) Van Dyk, Canada

Professional Relations Committee Terms of Reference

  • To promote and support international cooperation on continued improvement in the status of the medical physics profession worldwide.
  • To advise on and promote the standards of practice in medical physics and professional conduct.
  • To identify the need for international professional relations and professional standards development through symposia, regional meetings or workshops, and assist with the funding and organization of these ventures.
  • To assist regional or national medical physics organizations to prepare IOMP sponsorship proposals for “professional relations” meetings.
  • To consider applications from national and regional organisations for sponsoring or endorsing meetings. Applications to be considered in accordance with the document ‘IOMP policy on Scientific, Educational and Professional Meetings’.
  • To consider requests for review, comment or endorsement of documents in accordance with the policy and procedure document ‘Documents Submitted to IOMP by External Organisations for Review, Comment or Endorsement’.
  • To manage the IOMP travel support program; this is to support delegates from developing countries to attend ICMP´s.
  • To prepare or provide support to develop where appropriate, policy statements, professional recommendations, codes of professional practice, and to establish or help to establish expert groups to address specific national, regional, or worldwide professional issues when needed.
  • To manage the Equipment Donation Program.
  • To manage, in conjunction with the AAPM, the joint IOMP-AAPM Library Program.
The above have been extracted from the Bylaws of the IOMP approved by the Council in September 2009.