Iraq celebrates IDMP 2018

The Iraqi Medical Physics Society (IMPS) organized the annual IDMP celebration in coordination with Continuous Medical Education (CME) unit of Mustansiryah medical college, where 125 medical specialists represented by the dean and the vice dean of Mustansiriyah medical college, the head of the CME unit in this college, medical physicists...

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Iran celebrates IDMP 2018

Head of Iranian Association of Medical Physics message In my opinion, the greatest attraction of medical physics is the fact that it has a substantial contribution to activities that benefit patients. It is indeed a major distinction of medical physics that it combines being a physical science with major theoretical...

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IDMP 2018 in Morocco

The Moroccan Association for Medical Physics (MAMP/AMPM) is dedicated among other assignments to design and participate in any action that aim promoting medical physics in Morocco. The celebration of the International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) is therefore a timely opportunity to exercise that role of promoting medical physics in...

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IDMP 2018 in Malaysia

International Day of Medical Physics University of Malaya / University Malaya Medical Centre The 2018 International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) was held on November 7. The theme for this year was regarding how Medical Physicists benefit patients on a daily basis. For this year, the Medical Physics team in...

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IDMP 2018 in Bulgaria

IDMP 2018 was celebrated in Bulgaria with several events. The Bulgarian Society of Biomedical Physics and Engineering (BSBPE)  has created a poster that contains information about the role of Medical Physicists and Biomedical Engineers for patient benefit, published on the website of the Society. Two interviews with assoc. prof. Desislava...

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